Monday, September 28, 2015

Sept 28 Night

Returned from run. I think it's 11 miles. Can't access the hard drive that data is on. Took 2 hours. Walked up Grand in Walnut and most of the trail's uphill section. Ran the long hill, and down to home. Sprinted across the last major intersection and surprisingly wasn't totally done while running up e last hill. If I continue running often enough, the result would change greatly. I could do the 17 mile loop that I like much more. This one covers the same ground but adds another peak (Condor Peak), a long trail and track loop, and an obstacle course for fire recruits. Mix in some upper body movement in all that running.

I used to run to get to work when I didn't have a car or serviceable bike. I did this quite a bit and noticed a big difference in how I felt when climbing long snow slopes in the mountains and similar trudging movements. Several of the ideas in my head for winter climbing involve an absurd amount of elevation gain, at least for me. Diet will improve as well.

-the running mind-

Running allows one to strip away distractions and everything for a while. One can venture deep into parts of their mind while chugging away, listen to music, and think of what their next move is. I sort of watched myself think tonight on my run and observed the patterns in thought. I always find it silly that certain music motivates while others slow you down, and it's all in your head. Small adjustments in motivation that you should be able to control instantly, but are often helpless in such cases. I guess control over this type of thought would yield more efficiency while being less human.

I noticed that my left foot slapped the ground when I was running near the end. I may have weakened some muscles in that ankle after I twisted it a few weeks ago. It should heal up relatively soon, so long as it gets enough use and loading under range of motion. I made up for it by overpronating that foot as it strikes, or taps, the ground. This was on a long downhill.

My heart felt stable during most of the run. I had one anomaly at about mile 6 or so. Easy rolling hills and not too much traffic on the road next to you. My heartbeat was regular and strong, though I think I had a palpitation just prior and felt it as normal. My heart tends to feel good while being used, or I just notice palpitations and other issues while doing regular people things.

I will be seeing a cardiologist soon to see how my heart is doing, and try to paint a realistic picture of my health. When things aren't going great, I tend to feel I have a short life expectancy, which drives me to be a darker person inside. Lots of exercise helps me feel better. I need to move around a lot and push my limits, otherwise I get depressed and that makes everything more challenging than it needs to be. It's a constant battle in the mind.

My right knee was hurting a little bit in the beginning, as well as during a few spots in the run. This is often a result of hamstrings not being stretched enough, as it pulls the knee cap across the knee, grinding away. Not a problem when I'm active enough. Sedentary ways destroy the body and mind.

Everything else was fine. Used the Petzl fancy new headlamp that detects ambient light levels and puts out accordingly. Powerful beam when you look in the distance, and nice soft light when up close without touching a button. I've been using it a lot lately and am happy with it. I can't help but want something with a very powerful spot lamp for some applications. The regular LED lights appear to distort textures and some distances when worn on the forehead, which can make running in the mountains at night a bit more challenging for no good reason. Sometimes just a little off for climbing as well, especially during rappels or when trying to find a way up an unknown route before you lead off into dirtball hellstorm 12,000. 



  1. Keep writing from the heart and we'll keep supporting you,. You are a good friend and putting our thoughts down will help us find focus, it works for me, but not everything I write can I share with the world I don't want to scare them :)

  2. I'm a runner too. I think it helps me a lot to keep active. I think our bodies evolved with lots of exersize so if we become sedentary it's asking for trouble! Idle hands are the tools for the devil! (I learned that from fappy!)

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