Clearly this is just my opinion, but it would behoove fellow humans to understand how animals are violent, and to train themselves accordingly. You face the very real threat of violence if you meet enough fellow humans in daily interaction. One should train the mind and body to prolong their lifespan. For many, the most obvious path would be to have a pistol, and train with it extensively. It should be an extension of your body. It should be carried naturally and without discomfort, be drawn flawlessly, and shot placement should be absolutely accurate. Carrying a sidearm for defense is an extreme responsibility, one which I think stems from Warrior culture and requires a certain state of mind. I don't believe in all that silly sheepdog internet bullshit, but I do believe that you carry a very heavy responsibility for the outcome of a violent situation if you're carrying a defensive sidearm. I'm not entirely sure many people I know should carry this responsibility. I am not saying they do not deserve the right to self-defense. I do not feel I have the right to state who does and who does not until there is no doubt in my mind.
Instead of hoping, praying, crying on facebook, or other ineffective means of dealing with violence, one should take it in their understanding of reality that humans are animals like any other, and that part of being an animal is the taking of life. If you truly wish to preserve your life, you must invest in training. You may find yourself in a situation someday where you truly need it. You could be completely naked and exposed against a violent threat with no way to shift the odds in your favor, and the only one to blame for your failure is yourself. Whether you like guns or not, they're the most effective means of neutralizing human life person-to-person, so you should familiarize yourself with their use so that you can understand more. If you do not truly understand firearms and their use as weapons from a personal standpoint, your standpoint is without value.
Again, humans are animals and they will kill each other until the entire species ceases to be. I very seriously doubt we will ever stop killing, as we will likely never stop trying to survive. Perhaps the closest we've come to abstaining from violence is reflected in how many Tibetans refuse to engage Chinese physical aggression. This may cost them their existence. Take this into your very being. You can be killed quite easily, and regardless of what you want to think, you can kill much more easily than you think. Keep your face out of your stupid phone, look up, look around, look into people's eyes, observe, understand, smell, listen, think. Stay alert, stay alive.